Tropical plants often grow entwined and crowded together in the wild. To avoid overcrowded garden spaces, choose smaller palms and tree ferns and fill gaps with low-growing plants such as sword and maidenhair ferns, hibiscus, kentia palms and clivia.

tropical garden design AdelaideWater is another essential element in tropical gardens. A simple pond of water feature will add that tropical feel.


Tropical gardens are all about creating a sense of being enveloped by a lush canopy. To achieve this, filling your garden with wild and untamed plants reminiscent of the tropics is essential. Some of the best plants for a tropical garden design Adelaide include palms, heliconias and caladiums. They are available in various colours and are perfect for providing shade and texture to the park.

Tropical flowers are also important, and many of them flower for an extended period. Canna lilies, birds of paradise and hibiscus are some plants that do well in South Australia and produce vibrant blooms throughout the year. Bougainvillea, a plant that thrives in our climate and is often seen in the gardens of Bali and Thailand, is another excellent choice for adding colour.

Density is essential to a tropical style, so filling your garden with plants of all sizes and shapes is vital. Plants with large leaves, like gunnera and philodendrons, are ideal for creating a tropical feel, adding drama to the garden. For a more subtle touch, you can add some plants with smaller leaves, such as ligularia and hostas, to create contrast in the planting palette.

Add a water feature to your tropical garden if you have a small space. It can be as simple as a fountain or a small pond. Water features can help to keep the humidity up, which is vital for tropical plants. They can also be a good source of moisture for thirsty pollinators and other wildlife.

Adding water features to your garden can also help to make the space more authentic. It is because water’s sound, sight and smell are associated with tropical countries. It can also be an excellent way to bring in some colour, as some tropical plants thrive near a water source.

Water features

As tropical plants thrive in warm, humid conditions, a lush garden design should feature plenty of water features to create an immersive experience. A simple pond or water garden is an excellent choice as it will host tropical plants like Egyptian papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), elephant ears (Colocasia spp), and bird-of-paradise flowers (Strelitzia reginae). Other options include water fountains, streams, waterfalls, and pondless water gardens with lily pads or floating flowers.

A tropical garden design Adelaide landscape also needs a variety of textures and colours, so consider using mulches and gravel to help create an organic look and feel in the garden. Timber paving, flagstones, and natural stone slabs can warm a tropical garden. If your garden is on a slope, retaining walls are an excellent option for creating terraces and different levels in the yard.

In getting the most out of a tropical garden, it’s essential to plant a lot of different flora in layers. The striking foliage of tropical plants provides colour and texture year-round and significantly impacts any outdoor space. Try planting contrasting clumps of tropical flora together like colourful frangipani, hibiscus and canna lilies.

The rustle of palms and bamboo is a classic attribute of tropical landscape designs, so you should include some in your backyard. To maximise your low look, consider introducing some tall exotic trees and a range of flowering plants.

Many people who select a tropical garden design are inspired by memories of holidaying in low countries, and re-creating their dream garden at home is an exciting prospect. However, even if you haven’t visited Bali or Thailand, a tropical garden can be an eye-catching addition to any home, especially in warmer regions that benefit from the high temperatures and humidity that tropical plants love.

If you’re considering a tropical garden makeover, start by gathering your ideas and inspiration and creating a mood board. It will allow you to see how your new landscaping style will work in your home and to identify any tradespeople you might need.


While greenery is a prominent feature of tropical garden design Adelaide, adding colourful decor and relaxing features is essential. These include water features, decks, patios, sandpits, garden beds, and decorative sculptures and ornaments. They can also have brightly coloured vines like bougainvillea, found in the gardens of Bali or Thailand, or plants that flower at different times throughout the year, such as fragrant frangipanis and vibrant hibiscus.